I am fully aware that Sayas Cooperative is an electronic aggregator platform for negotiating and thereby reducing prices of various goods and services.
I will buy goods and services offered on this electronic platform.
I will install the mobile application of Sayas and transact with Sayas through this application, without insisting on any form of physical documentation.
I accept the rules and guidelines to promote policies and values of the Cooperative Society.
I meet the conditions of membership as set out in the cooperative society rules.
I accept and conform to the rules, principles and policies of the cooperative society.
I accept and conform to the by-laws of the cooperative society consistent with Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960.
I am at least 18 years of age at the time of applying for the membership.
I accept that 25% of the savings accumulated after purchasing goods and services through the platform will be contributed as share capital in my own name to the cooperative.
I acknowledge that the board of the cooperative society reserves full rights to terminate my membership upon violation of the terms, conditions and guidelines of the cooperative society.
I am aware of the provisions of the bye-laws of the society, and I agree to be bound by them in all matters relating to my transactions with the society.
I agree to pay Rs.700 towards share capital in Sayas Cooperative, Rs.100 as membership fees and Rs. 200 as administrative expenses at the time of application.
I agree to pay Rs. 100 as donation to Sayas Cooperative annually from second year onwards.